Friday, July 29, 2011

Freeman PFL618BR 3-in-1 Pneumatic Flooring Nailer

I am a contractor and after having spent $ 480 floor spike in the last 7 years, I can say that it is worth it. My previous NAILER little dusty in the middle of a job and I rented one from the "rip off Depot" and after having spent $ 70 the day and half rent, I figured I would order one to at least get past this floor jobs and After crossing my fingers for the next. I can honestly say that it is as good or better than both my Bostich cards and cleat spike (each more than $ 450 !!!). Also keep this in mind, all the spikes produced in China are no longer manufactured in the USA. Aka Stanley Bostich or used to make their nails in the U.S., and it was worth the price, but they have since fired all U.S. workers and have not lowered their prices even though the 1 / 4 of the cost of building NAILER since being built in China, now they are manufactured in China for about one quarter of the cost, and the rest is in the wallet for CEOs at Stanley / Bostich, so it does not really matter anymore (damn shame). Stanley / Bostich is simply riding on their name. All marks are about the same today unfortunetly. The 7-year warranty caught my eye and is the key. This is definitely a no brainer. Here are some obvious benefits ...

Freeman Nailer ($ 190) 7-year warranty - Bostich - ($ 470 +) 7-year warranty
Freeman Nailer T, L & Staples ($ 190) Bostich - Staples only! To L cleats? Spend another $ 470 ($ 960 +)
Freeman Made in China Bostich - Made in China
Freeman Decent sturdy plastic bag Bostich - Cardboard and some used tape
Freeman Parts - Aluminum Bostitch Parts - "aircraft grade aluminum", ie ... um, aluminum!
Freeman rubber hammer, oil, wrenches Bostich - rubber mallet
The bottom line is this: If that Freeman NAILER get me over the last five years of service as it did the job, and I made an excellent investment. If it gets me in the past 2 years than I've ever done. Not to mention they also have a seven year warranty and I called their support before hand and tell them that I had broken one and they said they would send me a new one with shipping sticker to send the old ones back (I always do this with more expensive tools), so they seem to stand behind their warranty. In addition, this nailer shoots three different types of nails! So save your $ 280 for any other NAD buying Freeman. All they need do now is the damn thing in the U.S., I'd really be impressed, and give it 5 stars! Also "aircraft aluminum" is like saying my t-shirt is made of "aircraft grade cotton '... There are 15 types of aircraft aluminum and guess what, even Harbor Frieght tools are technically "aircraft-grade aluminum." Again Bostich / Stanley tries to screw with our heads, banking on hte name and rob you blind.

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